Friday, October 16, 2009


In the past few months my building (my section of the big complex) has seen an influx of new people. I don't have a problem with these new people. They seem to be living their lives without much regard to me, which I like. Unfortunately the only neighbors who I really don't like are never going to move, ever. I will tell you about them in another post.

Recently there has been two accounts of animals in the stairwell. I'm not sure if its related to the new neighbors I share the stairwell with or if its just a coincidence. This morning when I ran out of my apartment to catch a 6am bus there were feather and fluttering happening. When you see a wild bird it doesn't always look like a bird, yes you instantly know what it is but it hard to see because its moving so fast. Once it had landed I got a good look at it. It was a bird I had never seen before. It was a young bird, maybe not a baby but youthful. It had the most wonderfully soft gray, black and white feathers, these colors are probably not his permanent colors but his baby feathers. As a bird matures their feathers stop being so amazingly fluffy, and they begin to be more protective. It had a very small beak that was hidden in all of his poofy feathers. I've decide that it was either an owlet or a bird of prey. It was stuck in the stairwell on the top floor, were we keep the one window in the stairwell closed.

When I came upon the bird I was in a huge hurry. I had a many things in my hands and I was nervous about touching it. My best friend is always telling me not to touch things, like feathers and small animals. He says that they carry alot of diseases. So for once I didn't touch the bird, although I wanted to. I was scared. I threw my coat over the bird and pick it up and put it on the windowsill of a open window. As soon as I thought the problem was diffused, the bird flew the wrong way and ended up back in the stairwell. I was nervous about missing the bus so my priorities may have been a little uneven. I caught it with my coat again and took it one flight down and set the bird as far out on the window sill as I could. And thats where I left it.

Now I think I shouldn't have left it there. There are cats around. It may not be able to fly well enough and 2 flights up might have been too much. Maybe I should have taken it and called animal control, or something. I mean this type of bird was a pretty important. I'm very upset about this new friend. I feel like an idiot that I put the bus before the birds life. I did try to help though, and at the time I did what I thought was best. Maybe the bird is just fine and is hanging out with his family now. I went back home to pick something up, no sign of my friend. No blood, no feathers, nothing.

I also wish I had taken a photo.


P.S. My lip has stopped twitching. What does that mean?

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