Monday, April 5, 2010


Usually when people ask me how my weekend was I hesitate, I really cant remember what I did. Its not like I got trashed and forgot. I dont even drink so that is not the issue. I think I just have a problem with my short term memory. This weekend I can tell you exactly what I did. It was probably one of the funnest weekends I've had in a long time.

I went to Thomas sisters store opening in Ogden. I specifically went for the treats, look at these cupcakes!!!!!!!!!! Its not the best picture but I think you get what I mean.

Then Thomas and I had Dinner at Vinto. I still prefer Settabello but it was still very good. Highlights - They have these fancy portable card readers. It gives the illusion that your waiter is printing your receipt from his bum.

Patate pizza, Apple Croissantni

Then we went to a French Revolutionary surprise birthday. Can you believe they made hats for all the guests! Im wore mine the rest of the day.

Here is what I wore during all this run around. I bought this dress and another on Friday. I'm suppose to be saving my money for the multiple trips I'm taking this summer. That's extremely hard for me to do. There is SO much to buy.

I feel like in the last few days so many things have happened. Ive spent alot of time with all the people I care about and had alot of good talks. I feel like I know what I need to do to make my life amazing but its hard to push through and do it.

Light Sweater - Bitten
Denim Bustier Dress - Nordstrom Rack?
Trouser Socks - Liz Claiborne
Shoes - Report

My problem has always been my lack of focus. I have interest in many things and my mind wanders. I need to make a plan, for weight loss, savings, artwork, and clothing line. I need to draw it out.


p.s Do to my lack of the internet my post will be really on and off. I've got a few ready for the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. I think the denim dress was on a rack that said Michael Kors. Even if it isn't Michael Kors, you should claim that it is.
