A while ago I realized the recession was real but didn't effect me. In the last few months its become evident that no one is "safe". I do know that Im the type of person that will do anything to stay afloat. There is no position below me, but luckily for now I'm alright. Im trying to save as much money as I can because I have found that saving is fun and easyish. Isn't it weird to be a young person and see other young people parade in new expensive clothes like its the norm to spend $1000 on a pair of shoes. Then watch the news and see other in your same country struggling and becoming homeless. My feelings are a yo-yo of emotion. Its odd, I feel like I need more clothes, or more expensive clothes like the other women I see. Then I will feel guilt for being so wrapped up clothes, which is potentially shallow.
When I go running I see these amazing houses and wonder how they afford them and am stung by the realization that there is a good chance that I wont ever obtain that let alone dream houses in other cities. Its hard to balance realization as well as pride for real and current accomplishments.
Well with that said, one of the programs I worked for was completely cut by the mayor and has now been put into effect. I am trying to replace this job, not so much out of need but I realize that if anything did happen to any of the other jobs. I need to work as much as I can while I still can. A couple years ago while applying for an internship the women interviewing me ask what my age was. When stated she replied.
"Perfect age for working hard."
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