This weekend I took a step away from Salt Lake City and landed in Downata Idaho. It was that time of year were I spend 3 straight days with my fathers side of the family. I am closest to these particular cousins, we've spent a large portion of our lives in each others basements playing video games.
Our pack of cousins consists of 10 male cousins from the ages 20 - 11 and me and my two sisters. We have alot more cousins but they were really never part of the core, either they were older and way too cool for us or their parents had issues that didn't allow us to bond. Once a year we go "camping" together. Our idea of camping is usually staying in a large cabin were our moms cook the whole time and we all play video games and get it to geek fights.

This particular campout also hosted the 2010 Primo Pokemon Battle. There were 6 people participating in teams of two. My brother and I were a team, and WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've supressing how excited I am about this. I feel like I cant show my cousins how into it I am because I need to keep atleast a little dignity. I cant tell my friends because they didn't get it in the first place. So Im telling you, we kicked some 11 year old ass. One team was a total let down and oddly they were seemingly closer to our age (18 &19). Then we battle the 11 & 15 yo for the title and WON.
I've confided in you how I am an extremely sensitive person. How I have so much emotion packed in here that it gets in the way of living. Well after the title battle my 11 yo cousin than stated that they only lost because of my brother. Wah! He basically said I was dead weight. Being the successful grown up I am, I almost cried . Then I set out to beat him. I trained ALOT more, had some help from my brother and only cheated alittle bit. When I do something I put alot of thought and effort into it. I have tactic and think it through. It was obvious that that was why me and my brother had such a good team. I had 4 level 65 Pokemon, and 2 level 82 Pokemon. My cousin had 3 level 75-80 Pokemon and like a level 39, and two 50. Unfortunately I cant swear in front of him but I was like
"What the Fuck?"
I trained so hard and thought about this way more than I should of and your dealing me with this bullshit? For these kids its just fun but for me its serious. In order for me to participate I had to play on the bus in between jobs. Play during walking to work. Play during a small break from sewing I put alot of effort into it. So basically I'm a total nerd, geek, dork, fool or as I would say a Nereek Do Fo. Well in the end I easily terminated his team. His retort in being beaten was,
"Well I only lost because you have differnt pokemon!"
Of course I wanted to yell at him like the crazy I am, but again Im an adult.
"NO! These are the same Pokemon as before! You always make excuses for why you lost but this time the true reason is become I'm better then you!"
Im a Nereek Do Fo.

Oh, here are photos from Minnetonka Cave.

Naturally I am unbelievable tired. My body and brain are like
" You had your fun, you made a clothing line, beat a bunch of school kids at their own game, spent the weekend with your family. All super tiring things, thats it we need 48 hours of sleeping."
Sorry brain and body! We've got a graduation dress to make! Oh and maybe a gala outfit for you by Friday.
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