During the age when young girls started to wear jewelry, I realized I was extremely allergic to cheap metals. I wore a teddy bear ring for 4 days, my entire finger began to puff up and puss. Earring were also equally traumatic.
About 5 years ago I opted for gauging my ears. Not only do I like the way it looks but I love all the different options. I can choose between having earrings of precious rock, horn, nut, wood and plastics. I've broken several earrings, Im really too rough on everything. Although they are broken I could never throw anything away. Here is my collection

Ugly stretchers from Hot Topic. Sometimes is necessary to get cheap stretchers, I used these to fit into my current earrings.

My first pair of extremely stylized earrings. They use to be SO sharp they would scratch peoples faces when they hugged me. They are made of horn , a birthday gift bought from Koi.
Bought at the Farmers Market, they're made of nut. No, I cant eat them, yes your the first to ever ask me.

These are truly my dream earrings. Unfortunately they are far too delicate for me. Made of jade from Koi. These were also a birthday gift from Thomas.

I bought these in Seattle during my first trip there. They are suppose to be turquoise, I think they're just plastic though. They had a very hard life.

Given to me by my sister, Lapis?

Bought in Portland several years ago. Hand made ceramic.

The Turquoise earrings were my very first real pair of gauges. Both of these were given to me by my sister. My older sister had gauged ears for awhile,when she gave it up I received her collection.

These two pairs I very recently bought on Etsy. If you are interested in gauge earrings I would definitely suggest this seller. http://www.etsy.com/shop/RogueBodyJewelry
I specially requested a certain size and they made them. Also they're pricing is SO good. $10 for each one of the above earrings.

Here are my current earrings. These are the ones that I specially requested from the above mentioned Etsy seller. I've always wanted earring with the Aztec calendar on them. Unfortunately my gauge size is too small for most gauges with this design. These gauges only have the center image but fit perfectly.
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