Well, there was an 8.8 mag earthquake in Chile. We have heard that my brother is alright, but I cant help but worry. I want to be there with him and tell him its alright when he isn't sure it will be. I miss him and truly hope that he is alright not just in body.
Today at a family gathering my uncle told my mom that my brother is probably hungry with no access to any food, and scared. Also that just having faith is nice but it wont do anything for my brother now. I was SO angry when she told me that. I phoned him to call him out on being an ass, no one answered. Although religion is sometimes a silly thing, I don't discredit what others believe or how they cope with life. I'm really tired of the pessimistic people who want to make others feel as worthless as they do about themselves. I think he just says things to be mean. I am quite sure my brother is doing well. Although it was a HUGE earthquake I know that being linked with the LDS church during any emergency is a good thing. Im sure he is not hungry, maybe a little scared but that maybe a good motivator.
Photo, I saw Fanfarlo this weekend. Lovely.
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