1. CLOTHING!!!! OF COURSE!!!! Damn! I'm such a spoiled brat!
2. Chocolate!
3. Tools & knives.
I was very please. You will see the clothing items pop up in my recent posts. I got about 5 boxes or chocolate items. So nice. I like to look at my chocolate and take photos. I will show you my collection soon. I received woodcarving tools, a Dremmel and xacto-knife set (from my cousin). Even at this age my presents still read "From Santa". I still make a Christmas list, and hang it on the fridge.
Here are photos by Thomas Nelson (bff). These were taken the day after Christmas, Danchi came into town and we went to dinner and then to Juniors.
Me and Danchi, getting cuddly.

Danchi and Yoshi, looking dapper.

Photos by Thomas Nelson; 2009, all rights reserved. Please visit his http://www.irvinenelson.com website and http://www.flickr.com/lampwik >flickr stream.
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