Its the last day of the year. Since its sort of a holidayish I didn't have to go to work. Which is good and bad. Good because I need to rest up for staying up all night, but Bad because Im hourly and I dont like missing work. I went to the store earlier today and bought some blank cds for a mix-cd exchange. I also got a window scrapper because Im an idiot and didn't have one already. Im also doing laundry, I hope to get alot of projects done before party time. Here is another Christmas present from Greg. He got me the same Dear Creature shirt I have but in Brown!!! I LOVE IT!!! Fits and feel perfect!

Top - Dear Creatur
Skirt - Nordstrom Rack?
Tights - Hue
Shoes - M.I.A
I work at an Art Center right now, previously I worked in the colletions of a Fine Art Museum. Last night I had a dream that I was like the Collection Manager of some really nice Museum. There were a bunch of private school brats there that I was suppose to teach to be Art Handlers. I was showing them some artwork that we had just received. They were all touching the paintings. One girl was leaning on it and had her heels on the frame, it left a red mark, I checked. I kept yelling "DONT TOUCH THAT!" There was TOO many of them and they were all picking things up and shaking it and STEPPING ON THE UNFRAMED PAINTINGS! I kept grabbing things out of their hands and setting it down. In my mind I was like "I should be wearing glove for this". Finally I yelled in my BIGGEST voice and told them to stop it and I called them all Dumbfucks. I know this is silly but this was a nightmare to me, I couldn't go back to bed after this. It was terrible, Im a geek.
Im also a geek because I like to hang my newest favorite clothes on my bookshelf so I can see it all the time. I called it My Clothes Gallery... yea... Im a nerd....
L-R, Abaete, JCDC, Oasis, Rodarte for Target, Sateen Feather jacket
Last thought. Another reason I dont like staying home from work is because my bird stalks me. She is screaming right now trying to find me. You may not be able to tell but in this picture she's looking at me through the corner of her eye, waiting. Waiting to attack me and cuddle. It makes me nervous, its like having a real stalker. NO WORSE! She can fly!