Hey! Im 24 now. Thats weird for me to think because I still feel like Im 19. I still make mistakes like Im a young adult. I've got alot of maturing to do.
Here is one of the presents I received for my birthday. Greg bought me these Moschino Cheap and Chic flats. I adore them! They have a wonderful real leather smell. Im scared to wear them so I've been waiting for an appropriate occasion. They go perfectly with my Alexander McQueen dress!
1) My younger brother has now left to go on his mission. My parents house is down to one child. Its totally bizarre. For once I want the unpleasant overcrowding.
2) I am a self described shy person. With my friends I am crazy loud but otherwise I usually hold back. Im trying to be more friendly but DAMN its hard. Sunday night I went to a concert by myself. The Zizek collective CAME TO UTAH! Just a block from my house.
The music was wonderful, it was amazing to have my type of music playing. Oh, and Argentinean DJs! CUTE HANDSOME MUSIC NERDS LATINO BOYS! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! If I had to say what my type of male is, I would say those DJs.
Then when more people started to dance, I let go. People cheered! They filmed me! I talked with one of the DJs. He said my Spanish was good which was sort of surprise. Sometime I really wish I could be more aggressive or promiscuous, but Im really not like that. Im really too guarded and interested in more then physicality. Honestly when I like someone I want to make them clothes and presents and then jump their bones, jkish. It was nice to feel even for a night that I fit in and that I found people like myself. Don't be surprised when you see me on their concert DVD.
p.s Yes Im still in a relationship and it may seem terrible for me to talk this way. We are taking a break in Sept or Oct. Its something we've both agreed on. After that experience I think I may actually be able to pull it off.
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