Things are just fine here. Doesn't Teanchum seem happy? Ever since the move he has been singing non-stop. I think he sort of misses Cleatis at times but overall is happy to be alone.
Having your own place is nothing short of amazing.
Top 10 Reasons Living Alone ROCKs!
1) Dishes never pile up and begin to mold!
2) Food obligation. Meaning because I know Im alone I eat things before they rot.
2) I cant put things wherever I WANT! The loveseat is now home to my stuffed animals!
3) The vision of my apartment doesn't have to be compromised. I have a huge cardboard reel that Im going to make something adorable out of! I can do what I want!
4) Walking around in underwear all the time!

5) Toilet paper rolls lasts 5x as long!
There is probably alot more but I think thats all I want to say for now. One of the things I really love about my apartment is, my closet. I finally put all my clothes away. Here it is.

Is it weird to spend alot of time just looking at your closet and smiling?