Alot has happened since last week. First of all the above photo is no longer the view from my bedroom window. My new view is far less picturesque. The new neighborhood I live in cannot compete with the beauty of the avenues. I now live close to everything and although its a totally different vibe here I have decided that I will create beauty instead of only witnessing it.

Thomas is now in Australia. Making friends, takin photos, eatin food. Here we are during his going away party. Its a strange composition but thats us, and thats his new tattoo.

The new apartment. Maybe it doesn't translate in photos but its actually really cute. The way I've organized everything feels so homey. I don't have alot of open space like before, I really like that. Everything has this resounding feeling of "mine". I can move things wherever I want. I can put art and ceramics everywhere and no one moves it. There is no one to not understand that it decorative. Its GREAT! This place really does feel like my own special place. Its like my GIANT fort. I want to make it my imagination world. Toys hanging from the ceiling. Paper flowers around the entry way, just lovely.

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