Bah! Why is it when I say I wont post I want to. No photos just thoughts.
There are alot of stereotypes about modern artist, and artist scene people. Alot of people believe that artists are pretentious crazies who get alot of money to show us trash. Although this isn't always true there is a definite stigma toward modern artists from the general public. I believe that it is in part due to the fact that performance art has become more prevalent and even to me it can be boring and pointless. I feel like I see satire about performance art in almost every sort of pop culture outlet. Yes, its silly at times but I do believe it is important, even the really weird art literally made of trash and or urinals.
I am currently preparing an artwork for a local gallery fundraiser show. The gallery gives each artist a cigarbox and one can interpret it any way they wish. My box is a small light wood box with a beige front and gold and black along all the borders of the box. I really want this work to be eye catching and begin the ball rolling for other shows.
First Idea.
Initially my idea was to sew an outfit and put it in the box. The outside of the box would maintain the gold edging but in between it, I would paint the process of making the outfit.
Second Idea.
Ive become increasingly interested in the stories of the Beast of
Genvuean. So much so that I wanted to create a shrine to the story. The outside being the same concept as before with the box maintaining the golden edges but inbetween painting depictions of the story. You know have people being mauled and the actual death of the animal. The inside would be as if you were looking at both the inside and outside of the animal. Fur and guts. Also with sewn pieces of people. The more I thought about it the more I realized that it would be difficult to make this not look too "crafty" or kitschy.
Third Idea.
I want to make and artwork about the Beast of Genevuean because whatever I'm interested in, at that moment tells about who I am as a person. I dont have to make a painting of the Mexican flag to tell you who I am. I like more subtle declarations about oneself. SO I'm into this story, I'm into it because I cant watch movies that are to scary or violent but I like to skirt around potentially scary things. Its very much how when your told you cant, one develops a fascination with the forbidden.
I am keeping the same concept but now I am painting the box, all but a label a thick uneven white. The outside will be hand drawn with pictures of the story. Simple, clean and straight forward. The inside is all Toile de Jouy.
There are parts that I cant describe and and that aren't completely settled. This project is a far departure from my other artwork that is more playful and having alot more fabric. I will for sure have some sewn elements but it will be different, new. This isn't my new style but I can be flexible I can do more then one "thing". I am extremely excited for this box and Im being to work on it. Its due the day before I move! Ee!
Like I've said Im doing some new things for this project that I usually wouldn't. One of my ideas has transformed me into an artist stereotype. Yes, its true I am actually harvesting my own hair.
Its always been the "MARCELA WAS HERE" trademark. Its everywhere, and finally I'm putting it to use. Its been fun to be on all fours sweeping up pieces of myself. Whenever I have to describe what the hell Im doing, I say this line all valley girl like.
"Its like for my art, O.K."