Last night I took it easy. I didn't watch a movie or sew anyting. I did finally catch an elusive bus, begin building my cardboard fort around the guest bed, and play Pokemon for hours. I am training my Pokemon for a battle with 4 my male cousins. We are grouped in teams of two. I have to battle my teammate before the actual tournament, I would like to absolutely destroy him. Yay! SO I've been playing non-stop. Is it totally illogical to be paranoid that they might be reading this? Who am I kidding no one reads this!
I've been thinking a lot about who I am and whether I've changed over time. There are some definite things that have changed. So many things about myself have changed in the last 10 years ago or even 1 year ago. BUT I've always been the same person. Meaning I mostly think and want the same things. I've learned alot and make better decisions with every new year. I like to think of myself now as who I always wanted to be through out my infancy and teen years. I really am basically what I wanted to be loved, attractive, awesome wardrobe, own apartment, successful, world traveler, well liked etc...I bring this up because I've been looking at high school people online and when I look back at myself its possible for them not to completely recognize me now. I now go by my full name, I dress feminine and sometimes outlandish, my hair is half as long as my person, and I've really blossomed. Although so much has changed I feel like nothing has changed. These thoughts are most evident to me as I wait for the bus wearing and adorable handmade sun dress with two extremely heavy bags filled with computer, dremmel, wood, jewel saw, chips and Pokemon handbook. During all this I'm intently playing Pokemon on my gameboy and hoping the 517 arrives soon.

Black Feather Jacket - Gomatta Girls
Dress - Michael Kors
Socks - HUE
Shoes - Born
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