Thursday, April 15, 2010


Look, Im so moody.

Here are the photos from yesterday, when I locked myself out. I wish I could talk to past me in the photos and say "Stay Inside! Dont think its a good idea to take photos on the back porch!"

Lately I've been having really detailed strange dreams. My dreams seem to incorporate all of my thoughts and the most minuscule things I see. For instance on the way to work I pass by a fine suit shop. When I'm lucky I can see through a back window a tiny shriveled old man working at an antiquated sewing machine. Last night I had a dream where I saw this man face to face. He was actually a tiny shriveled women in my dream. Wearing a thin cotton sleeveless house dress. She was repulsive and not "cute" at all. Its as if her skin were falling off. The entire room was a grimy mint green (yup grimy mint green!) She seemed to exude a sense of morose and dread. It felt like I could almost smell her decaying.

A friend told me that his theory on dreams was it worked as a mode of deleting all those small memories that don't have a definite place in our minds.

Dress - Self Made
Coat - Forever 21 (like 2 years ago, I never wear this because it has blood stains from a bike accident yay! )
Shoes - Steve Maddens


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