Right now I am working on several projects at one time. This is usually how I do things, Im very much a mutli-tasker or scatter brain, however you want to put it. Here is a look into my projects. Woo!
I am watercolor painting several personal stories into comic form. The paper is shaped like a scroll. I really enjoy putting these stories down on paper, its like a visual journal. Sort of the same way this blog is. The scroll on top is about my movie watching problems, the one on bottom is about seeing a bird stuck inside the grocery store.

In a previous post I showed off my gem collection. I bought them to make these intensely sparkly headbands. Im not sure if I like them or not. I think I will give them to my co-workers.
This is a long term project, Ive been carving these earrings for over a year now. I was carving them with a sharp pocket knife Greg gave me last, last Christmas. This Christmas my parents gave me proper wood working tools and I have made alot more progress.
I started making these for the same reason I make everything else. I had a vision of what I wanted but couldn't find or afford it. SO the next best thing is to make it myself. My vision was an earring that was sturdy and wouldn't break if dropped. I wanted it to be delicate and beautiful aesthetically and in workmanship. Most work like this is upwards of $250, and FRAGILE! Here is my take on it.
I cant wait to wear them! But first I need to varnish them, oh and finish carving!
Lastly, I am working on the dress I showed you sketches of. I have all the supplies for the gem rich stripe. I ironed the fabric into the right shape, I will sew it together once all the gems are sewn on. Now is the hard part, deciding on the pattern of the gems. Im not sure what to do yet. I have gems in circles and rounded rectangles. I also bought some shiny black beads to add some diversity.
I hope you liked seeing what Im working on. Its helpful for me to see what Im doing, and to talk about it so I can get my ideas straight.
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