Apparently there are millions of people running around shopping all across America. In my own city Im sure the malls are packed and parking lots are a mess. Im right here, writing this from my bed. I tried to go to work but then after an hour of loneliness I realized it was too quiet and creepy for me to be productive. So now Im being unproductive in my pajamas. I took a shower and am wearing my most comfortable security sweater. It used to belong to me father but I used to tell people it once belonged to my great grandfather who actually wore it here from Mexico. Very romanticized. A couple years ago when my face got messed up in a bike accident I wore this exclusively. It just makes me feel safe and warm. I keep it in my bed, just incase I get cold or lonely. My bed in general is my safe place. I store clothes that I like so much I want to sleep next to, in my bed. I also have my stuffed animals with me. I know Im too old for that and its just gross but I love having them there. Greg doesn't mind other than they take alot of room. I'm babysitting the large Pikachu pillow until my brother comes back from his LDS mission. Only one more year! Since Im clean and wearing my super powers sweater I feel really good looking, so here are some pictures of me being good looking.

I have a love/hate relationship with Holidays. I like spending time with my family, but not too much. I like to not work but not really because I need money. Im annoyed that today feels like Sat. So I will have two Sat, its SO confusing

Sweater - Hand me down from my father
Tshirt - Built By Wendy, gift from my BFF
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