If you looked at my room or inside my car you wouldn't get the sense that I was an organized person. You would probably categorize me as a slob. That's true, ish... I am messy about my living space. I hate washing dishes and cleaning up. Another unhelpful thing I do is, work on several projects at once. Which means scraps of fabric in my bed, paper on the coffee table, half finished hat on the dinning room table and velvet bits on ever floor space possible. While I am very messy, I am also a very organized person. I plan events and my daily life very carefully, and when things don't go as planned I get upset. I'm not upset because I cant fix it but because it didn't go as planned. A lot of things just cant be planned for and that actually annoys me aswell. Here are 3 recent examples.
On Wed, I went to REAL Salt Lake VS Guadalajara Chivas soccer game. I initally wanted to take my uncle to a soccer game, but WHEN I HEARD THE CHIVAS WERE COMING! I instantly got tickets and was excited. Im really not that into the team but I LOVE the city of Guadalajara. I like its big city but small town vibe and they have SO many cathedrals and beautiful architecture. In the first 10m of the game my group decided to root for REAL instead. The Chivas were so mean! and unsportsmanlike, and that's something I cant support. The game when fine though. Getting to the game was frustrating. It started at 7pm, I got out of work at 5:45. The plan was that everyone else meet at my parents house by 6:15 and we would be in our seats by 6:45. My mother... is just like me except she is missing the organized side of her brain. She is also the most giving person in the world. SO alot of time me and my siblings will have to walk home in bad weather, or wait for hours for her to pick us up while she is talking a complete stranger home, because she feels bad that they have to walk home in bad weather. Its all very backwards. On this particular day she dissapeared in the name of goodwill, and no one ended up in the right pick up place. Which drove me crazy. At sporting events parking is always crazy and with this hold up I knew we would be stuck in it. I got all flustered and frustrated by having to go to two completely different places. In the end we arrived there by 6:40 and it was fine. But I just don't like it when everyone isn't on the same page and ready to execute my plan. Maybe thats the problem Im just a control freak.
When I go grocery shopping I always think that I wont need a cart. So I always end up carrying everything and I usually drop something. Yes, I am a walking disaster. This day was no different I had everything and I was goinggoinggoing, in the bread section I caught a glimpse of the doughnut case. Before I could think this out I had a chocolate sprinkled doughnut in my very full hands. I soon realized that this was NOT going to work. I wandered around the store a bit more before I decided I had to eat the doughnut right then, or else it would get all smooshed. I told myself it was ok, I would just remember to pay for it on the way out. I didn't. I totally forgot, and then I felt guilty and mad that I proved all the people who saw me eat it and thought I was stealing right.
During the week I went to 60's Soul night at the W. I was wearing the outfit in the last post. I did the stupidstupid thing of sitting outside on their patio. In the morning my friend who had taken me home in is newish car, asked if last night I had sat in gum. That's right GUM. When I checked my skirt there was a big spearminty gob on my skirt. The exact gob that matched the one on the seat of his car. Oops. This was the one instant were it wasn't really my fault. As I was writing this I realized that I left the skirt in the hamper with the rest of my clothes. I am hoping that nothing else gets gobbed...
I guess this post was more about how I am stupid, and not actually about being organized.
P.s. its OK my roommate paid for the doughnut while she did her groceries. STOP WORRYING!
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