Saturday, October 31, 2009


I basically hate driving. Maybe if I had a more reliable vehicle I would like it more. This dislike causes me to be a big advocate of good ole' walking, cycling and public transportation. Downtown parking is sometimes a little messy so taking a bus is really the best solution. Yesterday I after work (both of them, end of day) I was waiting for the bus. When it arrived it threw me off guard because it pulled in quickly. As I got on the bus, the driver was greeting each passenger.

"Hey Man! Whats up!"
"How you doin, Girl"

This bus driver was awesome. When another car cut him off he yelled and threw his arms up and was turned around and was like "Did you see that? That guy totally cut me off like as if I wasn't a bus". He then began driving faster than any bus I've ever ridden. My 15m commute became 5. Randomly before we got to the Hospital I live closeish to he yelled " AHHH!!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT!!!! THAT MAN JUST KICKED HIS DOG", in between a fit of giggles he continued. "HE JUST KICKED THAT DOG! HE TRYING TO TEACH IT TO SIT BY KICKING IT! I FEEL BAD FOR THAT DOG! HE JUST KICKED HIS DOG!!!" When we did get to the hospital he greeted a man saying "Hey man! We're GOING to get you THERE!"

I love eccentric people in the right situation. This was the right situation, and I loved every minute of it.

Im dressing as an ice cream cone for Halloween, pictures to follow.
Im going to San Francisco next weekend.


Thursday, October 29, 2009


This outfit was from alot earlier in the week. I think it was Tuesday. I just let the photos sit for a while. The outfit really represents the way I transition into winter. Im not eliminating miniskirts Im just going to layer them a bit more.

Hat - Ex Cop garage sale, I also got a real gun holster
Shirt - Trinity, Apt 202 Local Shop 9&9
Skirt - H&M
Tights - Hue, Nordstrom Rack
Shoes - J-41

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Its snowing. Ive been wearing boots frequently during the mild autumn but now that its snowing its the last thing I want to wear. Instead Im wearing some mesh Maryjane's J-41. I'm not sure why I wanted to wear these shoes. Its like my brain is telling me to only wear completely impractical things.

Here is a photo taken of me during the last few weeks of summer. A friend and I were just enjoying the hot weather on my balcony 4 stories above the city. The dress Im wearing is really too short to be a dress. I'm interested in getting some denim leggings. In this photo although you cant see Im wearing it with shorts.



Thursday, October 22, 2009

10.22.09 MAS

Second post of the day!!! WHOOO!!! Earlier today I posted my outfit from Tuesday. I liked what I was wearing today so I decided to post todays outfit as well. Its kind of a hodgepodge of ideas. Im wearing one of my most favorite dresses in the world. I call it my toy dress, its fun and imaginative but also SO comfortable. Autumn + Summer + Classic + Urban =

The blue velvet cape is one of my latest projects. Last year I was given a giant bolt of blue velvet. I immediately created a vest and skirt, both items were very mediocre. I decided to do something "Polished". I created the pattern for this cape. Its very simple but classic. It has a plaid silk linear. Everything is hemmed to prevent any fraying, or odd pilling that velvet does.

The summer part of this outfit was below the ankle. I hate wearing boots when its too hot for them. The sandals added the perfect amount of coolness. The toe nails were a big hit with my coworkers. My significant other and I recently got into painting our toenails. I usually wear a dark brown red, and he wears orange. We decided to diversify, nice. He is the main drive behind this quirktivity. He has a gross toe nail on his big toe so it helps him feel more self confident. I TOTALLY understand that.

Blue Velvet Cape - Self made
Toy Dress - Insight
Leggings - Forever 21 ( Ewww...I promise that was my last F21 purchase, COPYCAT JERKS!!!)
Sandals - ModCloth



I've been listening to a whole lot of mainstream rap from the late 90's early 2000's. Ive tried to share a few songs with my friends, I always think "Oh! They are going to love this and have SO many memories connected to this silly song!". White people are so weird, its like if the song didn't exist after 2006 when rap became cool they don't know it. I'm sure there are a lot of white people who have listen to rap since the beginning and know more about it than I do. People I know are just so ridiculous, its like they know all about Brother Ali and Jurassic 5 but cant connect to classic Ginuwine tracks, just because its too old and mainstream. If it was something old and underground they would be all over that, there is definitely a place in my memories for Juvenile. Whatever. Also its funny when ethnic things become acceptable because then all of a sudden your white friend is hitting you over the head with all the "black" culture stuff they know. Or all the Cuban jazz they own, like all of a sudden they are more ethnic than you because its cool now. Whatever.

Here an awesome outfit I wore Tuesday. I love how two items can have a life and style of their own and then when you put them together they make a whole new life together.

Top - Dear Creature
Linen Dress - Purple Label
Gray Socks - HUE
Sneakers - TopShop



Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This last weekend I had some photos taken of me by my best friend. This one is of what I plan to wear this winter. The cape is a project I just finished, not bad. I dont like this photo because I look super chubby, but Im going to be ok with it. I wont make a big deal. Focus on the awesome blue velvet cape with a liner.

Here are some photos to convince you that Im not gross looking. Not only are these shots technically amazing, I love the upside triangles. Oh and I think I look ok.

Check out his stuff


Monday, October 19, 2009


Last week I wore many good outfits, but I didn't take photos. So I have two outfits to post now, honestly I think these outfits are okish. Some of the other ones where a little more crazy.

On Sunday I wore this girly sundress. Below the chest I am a 6 or 8 in dress sizes, from the chest up Im a 10 or 12. It really sucks to have sort of a larger bust. It make things fit all funny. This dress was a birthday present from my best friend. I LOVE it but its a tight fit. Since this dress has a princess waist, or is it a empire? I tied my sweater instead of having it drape awkwardly over the high waist.

Dress - Modcloth, Present
Cardigan - Steve & Barry's Blowout
Boots - D.I Thrift Find
Bag - Present

On Fridays I work at two different jobs. One calls for some physical labor and the other requires some professional dress. Instead of changing my outfit I try to find something that I can lift heavy boxes in and look presentable. This outfit of jersey and sneakers works well, as long as its paired with this navy pinstriped vest.

Vest - High School Thrift find (basically my security blanket)
T Shirt - Black Chandelier
Skirt & Socks - Nordstrom Rack (Really cheap but has to be dry cleaned?)
Shoes - TopShop
Necklace - Utah Museum of Fine Arts gift shop
Hedgehog pin - Gift

I'm wearing jean pants right now. Its the first time in over 6mo, I hate it. Its so itchy and restricting. I may have to change its TOO ANNOYING!!!


Friday, October 16, 2009


In the past few months my building (my section of the big complex) has seen an influx of new people. I don't have a problem with these new people. They seem to be living their lives without much regard to me, which I like. Unfortunately the only neighbors who I really don't like are never going to move, ever. I will tell you about them in another post.

Recently there has been two accounts of animals in the stairwell. I'm not sure if its related to the new neighbors I share the stairwell with or if its just a coincidence. This morning when I ran out of my apartment to catch a 6am bus there were feather and fluttering happening. When you see a wild bird it doesn't always look like a bird, yes you instantly know what it is but it hard to see because its moving so fast. Once it had landed I got a good look at it. It was a bird I had never seen before. It was a young bird, maybe not a baby but youthful. It had the most wonderfully soft gray, black and white feathers, these colors are probably not his permanent colors but his baby feathers. As a bird matures their feathers stop being so amazingly fluffy, and they begin to be more protective. It had a very small beak that was hidden in all of his poofy feathers. I've decide that it was either an owlet or a bird of prey. It was stuck in the stairwell on the top floor, were we keep the one window in the stairwell closed.

When I came upon the bird I was in a huge hurry. I had a many things in my hands and I was nervous about touching it. My best friend is always telling me not to touch things, like feathers and small animals. He says that they carry alot of diseases. So for once I didn't touch the bird, although I wanted to. I was scared. I threw my coat over the bird and pick it up and put it on the windowsill of a open window. As soon as I thought the problem was diffused, the bird flew the wrong way and ended up back in the stairwell. I was nervous about missing the bus so my priorities may have been a little uneven. I caught it with my coat again and took it one flight down and set the bird as far out on the window sill as I could. And thats where I left it.

Now I think I shouldn't have left it there. There are cats around. It may not be able to fly well enough and 2 flights up might have been too much. Maybe I should have taken it and called animal control, or something. I mean this type of bird was a pretty important. I'm very upset about this new friend. I feel like an idiot that I put the bus before the birds life. I did try to help though, and at the time I did what I thought was best. Maybe the bird is just fine and is hanging out with his family now. I went back home to pick something up, no sign of my friend. No blood, no feathers, nothing.

I also wish I had taken a photo.


P.S. My lip has stopped twitching. What does that mean?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


As a teenager one usually dreams about how lovely it would be to live in your very own apartment. No sharing! No people all up in your face! AND No parents! Well, my roommates out of town and Im living that dream. My significant other is also out of town, and my sister is leaving today for a year and a half. My best friends works when I don't and doesn't get out until I go to bed. SO Im lonely.

Its taken 2years and 6months of living together for me to finally appreciate my roommate. I really miss her. Which is silly because she isn't around very often, but I know if she was here I wouldn't notice the others were gone. Its so odd to be the only person in this apartment, nothing moves unless I move it. Which seems like a good thing but it makes me sad.

Yesterday I wore 2 really cute outfits but I didn't feel like taking my photo. Like I said lonely! Also for the last week or so whenever I close my eyes the left part of my lip twitches. So I am constantly closing my eyes to see if it still happens. It does.

I would sort of like readers, but at the same time I really like that its just me and my blog. No one to hate on me, I can write whatever I want! I've only shared this blog with my brother and my roommate. My significant other and my best friend have both asked about it but I wont let them look at it, yet.


Monday, October 12, 2009


One of my special quality is being overly sensitive. This quality is much more of curse than a positive thing. This characteristic is manifested mostly in what movies I can watch. ALso it seems like a weekly thing that I will freak out at a family member or in front of my family. It seems that I am reverting instead of becoming more in control of my feelings. I have the terrible combination of being extremely sensitive and having a hot temper. SO when someone makes me upset they feel bad because I'm crying. I hate it that when I do something bad that other people feel guilty because I'm crying and they're not. Crying can be an annoying way of baiting people. I hate the way I make my family feel and that I'm such a lose cannon. They always have to tiptoe around me and I wish I could just control it better. Its really interesting, as well as sweet to see the way they try to help me. All my siblings even the ones 8 years my minor understand and watch out for me, when a movie is scary or a graphic part is about to appear they warn me, and I trust them. Its really embarrassing to be an adult but have childlike problems. This has been a problem all my life. As a young child I was always "scared" of EVERYTHING. My mom said that she thought it was just a phase and that I would grow out of it. Earlier this year I had and odd hormonal shift? This made me feel extremely sensitive, grouchy and depressed. I've gotten out of that funk but I realize that I'm never going to be like other people my age.

Like I said the biggest difference is I cant watch most movies. Here are the things that reallyreally get to me.

Animal Violence
Mass Chaos
War/ Large scale violence
Most Violence ( I can handle watching fair one on one fights, but if its unfair I don't like it)
Extreme yelling/crying (The WORST)
Children being abused
End of the World Plots

When I write that things "get to me" I don't mean Im uncomfortable in my seat. What happens is that I get really upset, my brain and emotions become confused with what I'm seeing. Then I begin covering my ears and then closing my eyes and curling in ball, because its too much. My brain begins to ring and I start crying uncontrollably. It takes awhile for me to be able to stop and catch my breath and slowdown my brain. This has happened on several occasions. Sometimes during kids movies like HOLES, when MaryLou the mule gets killed. I've seen that movie a million times. Last time I watched it I cried for 10m and it freaked out my whole family. My parents thought someone had done something to me, or that we were at least watching something mildly scary, nope just HOLES. It was one of the first times as an adult that they saw me get that upset at a movie. Then I also lost it during UP when Dug the dog gets thrown by the other dogs, yea... I only got threw the first 10m of the movie, THE HOST. I really wanted and still want to see that movie. It was really terrifying to me and we had to turn it off. I just cant help it, and I never know when I will get upset. I can watch something scary and be fine but sometimes my brain switch flips and 10m later I'm still trying to get control of myself.

I'm writing this as an attempt to try to understand myself better. Im trying to deal with myself and let my family know its not their fault and that they don't have to be sorry. I want them to have fun without worrying about me. I'm trying to make the right steps towards controlling my emotions.

Is that even possible?


Friday, October 9, 2009


OHOHOHHH!!!! My SKIRT ARRIVED! see previous post with the sailor anchor skirt. I'm not wearing it right now, because I want to style it just right.

Also after writing the last post and reading my gmail chat with my significant other. I realized Yes, I am sort of a brat.

Greg: did you get my text about tonight? How did you sleep?
me: no.
Sent at 9:34 AM on Friday
Greg: Oh. Well, basically Taylor has to fill in for someone at work tomorrow from 9-5 so we can't go shopping during the day and I don't want to go after Monique's thing so we may go tonight around 8:30 to do shopping. I can still hang out for a bit after work then go shopping then come back over so it's not a complete loss, but it is still annoying.
Sent at 9:38 AM on Friday
me: OK, I just wrote a blog post about how I hate it when plans get ruined. Although you never know how to prevent things getting ruined.
Sent at 9:41 AM on Friday
Greg: Yeah. I feel really sad about this actually. I really like Friday Movie nights. But I can at least go to dinner I think.
Sent at 9:45 AM on Friday
Greg: Sorry.
I gave my mom my leftovers and she was REALLY excited. She said, "I love orange chicken. Ooh this looks good."
Sent at 9:48 AM on Friday
me: bleh!
Im not really mad, but I would like to continue pretending.
I guess your mom had sort of bad taste in food.
can I have a marie callenders pies?
Sent at 9:51 AM on Friday
Greg: Sure. Is it the pie sale month this month?
me: I think so I saw a sign
Sent at 9:56 AM on Friday
Greg: I did too, but my mom thought it was last month. Standby for confirmation.
Sent at 9:58 AM on Friday
Greg: Looks like this month.
me: Well, your mom likes gross food!!!!!!!
I want key lime pie, Boston creme and a banana pie.
Sent at 10:01 AM on Friday
Greg: All 3? Well I want a chocolate cream pie. So there.

See, how good this guy is at ignoring the silliness and focusing on anything food related.



If you looked at my room or inside my car you wouldn't get the sense that I was an organized person. You would probably categorize me as a slob. That's true, ish... I am messy about my living space. I hate washing dishes and cleaning up. Another unhelpful thing I do is, work on several projects at once. Which means scraps of fabric in my bed, paper on the coffee table, half finished hat on the dinning room table and velvet bits on ever floor space possible. While I am very messy, I am also a very organized person. I plan events and my daily life very carefully, and when things don't go as planned I get upset. I'm not upset because I cant fix it but because it didn't go as planned. A lot of things just cant be planned for and that actually annoys me aswell. Here are 3 recent examples.

On Wed, I went to REAL Salt Lake VS Guadalajara Chivas soccer game. I initally wanted to take my uncle to a soccer game, but WHEN I HEARD THE CHIVAS WERE COMING! I instantly got tickets and was excited. Im really not that into the team but I LOVE the city of Guadalajara. I like its big city but small town vibe and they have SO many cathedrals and beautiful architecture. In the first 10m of the game my group decided to root for REAL instead. The Chivas were so mean! and unsportsmanlike, and that's something I cant support. The game when fine though. Getting to the game was frustrating. It started at 7pm, I got out of work at 5:45. The plan was that everyone else meet at my parents house by 6:15 and we would be in our seats by 6:45. My mother... is just like me except she is missing the organized side of her brain. She is also the most giving person in the world. SO alot of time me and my siblings will have to walk home in bad weather, or wait for hours for her to pick us up while she is talking a complete stranger home, because she feels bad that they have to walk home in bad weather. Its all very backwards. On this particular day she dissapeared in the name of goodwill, and no one ended up in the right pick up place. Which drove me crazy. At sporting events parking is always crazy and with this hold up I knew we would be stuck in it. I got all flustered and frustrated by having to go to two completely different places. In the end we arrived there by 6:40 and it was fine. But I just don't like it when everyone isn't on the same page and ready to execute my plan. Maybe thats the problem Im just a control freak.

When I go grocery shopping I always think that I wont need a cart. So I always end up carrying everything and I usually drop something. Yes, I am a walking disaster. This day was no different I had everything and I was goinggoinggoing, in the bread section I caught a glimpse of the doughnut case. Before I could think this out I had a chocolate sprinkled doughnut in my very full hands. I soon realized that this was NOT going to work. I wandered around the store a bit more before I decided I had to eat the doughnut right then, or else it would get all smooshed. I told myself it was ok, I would just remember to pay for it on the way out. I didn't. I totally forgot, and then I felt guilty and mad that I proved all the people who saw me eat it and thought I was stealing right.

During the week I went to 60's Soul night at the W. I was wearing the outfit in the last post. I did the stupidstupid thing of sitting outside on their patio. In the morning my friend who had taken me home in is newish car, asked if last night I had sat in gum. That's right GUM. When I checked my skirt there was a big spearminty gob on my skirt. The exact gob that matched the one on the seat of his car. Oops. This was the one instant were it wasn't really my fault. As I was writing this I realized that I left the skirt in the hamper with the rest of my clothes. I am hoping that nothing else gets gobbed...

I guess this post was more about how I am stupid, and not actually about being organized.


P.s. its OK my roommate paid for the doughnut while she did her groceries. STOP WORRYING!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



I got some new clothes yesterday so today I wore this new shirt and felt like I had to share. I bought this tank top at FICE, which is a locally owned store that carries a lot of street fashion brands and snow/skate brands like WESC, Insight, HellsBellz and Holden. The are having a sale RIGHT NOW! They have coats, swimsuits, dresses, shoes and basically everything else at drastically reduced prices. Yumm. Visit them online or at their store on 200 South between State St and 200 East. This top is made by INSIGHT, and is a perfect example of what kind of clothing they produce. INSIGHT likes to dabble in crazy colorful print on stretchy material. I like this brand and using their clothing to make outfits pop. I don't think I could pull off wearing multiple INSIGHT items in one outfit, but with all black its perfect. Buying this top was a nobrainer, not just because it was on sale and cute but I LOVE this fabric. It feel almost swimsuit like in the way it wears and stretches.

I knew I wanted to wear this top today, so when I realized they perfectly matched my boots I was enthralled! They don't match color-wise but I think they are both sort of loud and out-there in aesthetics.

This button less cardigan has this fun stencil I added on the back. I was teaching a class about t-shirt modification and I had to make an example so I customized this cardigan.

Lastly, I wanted to make sure you guys got a pretty good look at the tank tops print. Here I am giving you a stink eye. Honestly I am terrible at having my photo taken so Im trying really hard to improve. My problem is I always think I look like a fattyboomboom, I realize I have to get over that and just be cool with myself. SO anyways LOOK AT THIS LESS THAN PERFECT PHOTO OF ME!

Cardigan - Steven & Barry's Closeout Sale
Tank Top - INSIGHT brand, bought at FICE
Skirt - Ross Dress For Less ( I bought this like a million years! I was in highschool, and this was the first time I wore it in years.)
Tights - We Love Color
Shoes - 80%20 brand

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Ive mentioned a favorite pair of gray suede ankle boots a few times. I think it is time for you to meet them. These boots are from the brand Jump. Jump specializes in funky sneakers and putting a hip-hop edge on everyday types of shoes. I took these photos yesterday before all the rain. Im standing beside my car, Susan.

I like the fun patent cutouts. The added details of the cutouts and zipper in the front really makes these boots stand out. I love these shoes! I don't like to think of clothes as something we wear solely for utilitarian reasons. I believe that clothing should be revealing of ones personality. That doesn't mean each outfit has to be over the top, but it does mean that I put thought into each item of clothes I buy or put on my body.

On my drive from my parents home to my apartment it was raining pretty hard. I was worried about logistics like parking, and not being able to see in the rain. Another worry was getting these shoes home with out ruining them in the rain. I hadn't planned accordingly and I didn't bring a suitable pair of shoes to change into. Maybe this means Im a shoecrazy or my priorities are all wrong but I ran barefoot from where I parked to my apt. Cold! but the shoes are safe!


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Alright, well here is my first daily wear post. Eerrrr.

Yesterday it rained and snowed, and I think from now on its going to be cold.Today was chilly but still sunny, so I dressed warm but sunny.

There is even a cute pumpkin in the shot! It goes with the mustard tights and sweater. Im not a very good photographeor but Im going to try to get better everytime. Here is my Raspberry beret, I got this two years ago at a local thrift store, but I always forget I have it. This winter Im going to try to use it more often. Here I am staring up at an invisible bird made of chocolate.

Here I'm pretending your a bird made out of chocolate.

This outfit is a really good introduction to my daily wear. I really like patterns and strong color. I also like to think that Im interested in shoes with fun details. The things in my wardrobe are from a million different places. I personally think its wrong to wear clothes all from the same place, I also think you should mix up expensive with cheap. Since I have a little bit more to love, Im VERY careful about the way my clothes is cut, or how it hangs, or what material it made of or whether it makes me look like a fattyBoomBooom. I tie the coats belt around myself to highlight the smallest width in my waist. I think this worked ok, even if the photo isn't perfect.

Dress - Decades (The most fabulous vintage shop in Utah)
Jacket - Daily sale site
Sweater - LOB (mexican chain store)
Tights - Forever 21? I think?
Boots - Steve Maddens (I bought this at the warehouse that sells stuff that fall off trucks, NPS)



Im always bragging that I never get sick. I tell all my friends, family and coworkers that they can count on me because Im not a weakling that "gets sick". Im really proud of my healthy status. But even us strong ones get sick from time to time. Currently I have a cold. The worst part is the headache that comes with it. I find it hard to standup or blow my nose. One thing that I didn't realize it would make difficult is going to the bathroom. Somehow the act of going to the bathroom makes my head cold unbearable, yea I don't get it either.

Last night I went to the fabled Pizzeria 712, in Orem Utah. Foodwise it was pretty good, but its hard to justify driving that far when Downtown SLC Settabello's maybe better. I wouldn't say the drive was in vain though. P712 is hidden in gaudy humungous condo complex, when we entered the complex, our thoughts were "OMG what are we in store for..." The interior of P712 is welcoming and instantly classy. The space is very intimate and warm. The lighting is a romantic dim and the tables and chairs are in dark wood. Maybe dark wood doesn't do anything for you, but for me its small details like dark wood that make a space reach its full potential. The service we received was impeccable and I had absolutely NO complaints about that. Our server wasn't too friendly or overbearing, she was just happy to get us what we needed. Perfect. The most delightful aspect to this pizzeria that made it know to me that we were in someone restaurant masterpiece, was their selection of artwork. They had 3 Brian Kershisnik paintings on their east facing wall. I happen to be a really big Kershisnik fan, I worked at the UMFA during his exhibit there. I love how simple but thought provoking his work is. The people he draws always look that exact same, which makes them more like symbols rather than individuals. I find his work really aesthetically pleasing. Also always check a restaurants bathroom, that will tell you how much a place values their customer. P712's is beautiful. I really respect this restaurant whether I will eat there frequently or not. This is definately a place worth trying. Everything about this restaurant was meticulously detail but felt simple and gracious. Its kind of like the concept that a girls makeup is so well placed you almost thought they were that naturally hot.
Check out their blog!

The same owners of P712 have a new restaurant that looks so immaculate I almost couldn't believe it existed in UTAH! I will try it and let you know, how fabulous this one is.

Communal Restaurant
100 North University Avenue
Provo, Utah 84601
