1. Greg and I purchased a home! We actually are suppose to move in this Friday. The house still needs a lot of work. We will be move our things to the new house, but living in a neighbors house we will be house sitting. I think Im going to miss my apartment. Greg wont, but I will. Although I'm really excited to have my own project room and enough closet space.
Last night my parents came over to help pack. Apparently I have alot of shoes. How many pairs of shoes is normal? How much is too much?
2. I went to Australia! I had an 11 hour layover in LA where I was able to visit with my sister. We went to the LA MOCA. In Australia I saw my best friend, who I haven't seen in about a year. He met me in Melbourne, which is an awesome city. Australia was the first country I've been to where English is spoken, this made it seem like an odd dream. Like I was asleep and my mind created a dream city, put my best friend there, everything seems normal but then there are some weird quirks here and there. We did A LOT of shopping! We went to the National Gallery of Victoria and saw Vienna: Art & Design. Ate a lot. Went to a Lego Exhibit. Saw a band called Graveyard Train, very Tom Waits. I kept thinking they were named Gravy train. We then traveled to Brisbane were my friend lives and goes to school. I HELD A KOALA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also decided that my favorite Australian animal is the platypus, they are so playful! Saw a band in hipsters basements. Shopped and ate more. Went to the Surrealism exhibit in the GOMA which was unbelievable. They had a computer hall with a wonderful interactive element to the exhibition. I really want to work in a museum like that some day. Chocolate, Chocolate,Chocolate!Also Thomas (best friend) and I found 2 bags of cocaine in a ficus tree.
I'm home now, jet lag problems.
3. Upon my return I've lost 5 lbs, and I'm sure its all muscle. Before my trip I was going to a crossfit gym 3x a week. I was finally caught up with the rest of the females in my class. Today will be my first day back to the gym. I'm nervous but luckily its a ok day to return. I dont think I will ever be "skinny". Its just not in my build, even if I stopped eating I have a pretty wide frame. Also my body builds muscle really well. I would like to lose 25lbs, although at this point I'm not totally sure how to do that. I will just keep going to the gym and eventually it will just happen.
Ive had a lot of bad experiences with physical activity in the past. There are reasons why I thought I couldn't be "good" at physical activity. Like, running with the cross country team and being left behind in a trail run. Or never getting to play on my lacrosse team. Now I'm not competing with anyone but myself. Yes I want better times and want to finish with the rest of my class but it's not so much about that. Its about knowing I can do it and pushing to the very end. Its nice not to be on a "team", but instead in a "class".
4. Greg broke his finger in a terrible way, he may never rock climb again. SAD! But its ok he needs to rest it, focus on cycling and maybe in a few years...
I think that's all of the updates.