Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ive been writing these blog posts as if you already sort of know me. I realize you probably dont. Let me get a couple things cleared up.

Facts about Marcelita (from now on I will just assume you know stuff)

  1. I am 23 years old, female over here!
  2. I am the second of six kids. My best friend and my special someone come from a families of six aswell!
  3. Im a crafty arty person. I work in the arts teaching, and coordinating stuff...
  4. Im super indulgent. I LOVE candy, chocolate, cheese, overly cute clothes, and all that good stuff.
  5. I can be super judgmental and Im trying to be better at that.
  6. Im not married, I do have a someone but thats as far as it goes. No kids, just 2 birds and a hedgehog and a bed full of stuffed animals.

I think that covers the most basic,basics. I just hate it when other bloggers or movies leave you in the cold about things like that. Or maybe its just that I get really into others lives and I want to know EVERYTHING. Yes, Im a creeper. Today I wore my amazing gray suede ankle boots and Im really becoming good at walking in heels! YAY!! Im was convinced that me and my super flat feet would never get use to heels, but lo and behold! I can walk in heels now! Also I just purchased this AMAZING JC de Castelbajac skirt AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I am VERYVERY excited to receive this. I also cant wait to style this with my other clothes! I also cant wait for a/w. I want to wear tights, coats and layers. Its going to be fabulous.


Sunday, September 27, 2009


In the first two posts of this blog I have already confessed my love for food. Its sort of an obsession, and Im definitely a "craver".

Growing up, I was never introduced to "fine" food. Between the two of us, my mom is one of those 10% of moms who isn't a good cook. It seems like all my friends are always bragging about "Oh, I wont eat restaurant desserts! My mom/sister bakings puts this to shame!" My families cooking was never like that, although I like to eat it, I realize that its not amazing. At the time fancy to me was Sizzler's, and going to McDonald's almost put me to tears. My family in general was sort of uncultured. I didn't grown up listening to NPR, or Bob Dylan, my parents didn't know about paprika or any of that. I hate it when people think your stupid when the things of their life wasn't part of yours. Life is just different for each person, really sheesh! SO as soon as I got a job that paid over $10 an hour my life changed. I was finally able to indulge in a deep love of mind. I first splurged on fast food, I ate everything that I couldn't while growing up. I soon became bored with that and began exploring the amazing land of local favorites. I think that's when I gain the extra weight (which is minuscule compare to the weight other girls from highschool have gained. I'm serious.) Nowadays my taste hasn't really changed that much. I eat out less, due to another fantastic discovery. I CAN COOK! AND IM NATURALLY GOOD AT IT! I don't care much about rules that go along with cooking I more into experimenting. Most things I cook come out pretty good. I don't cook too often but I really like food and finding out how it comes to be. I still spend alot on going out to eat, and if I don't go out to eat during the weekend I feel like something is missing. I try to take my family out as often as I can. I like to make them try new things like Thai, Indian, Greek and good American. Whenever I take them out and pick up the tab, it makes me feel like Im helping their personal food journeys. My mom is always super adorable grateful when I take them out. This is making me want to do it more often! Some of my favorite SLC local restaurants are

Emme's / Center St.
Lambs Grill
Atlantic Cafe
Himalayan Kitchen

I could go on for a long time.

Although I am mostly interested in local handmade food every now and then I feel the strange pangs of grease cravings. For instants lately I've been thinking alot about Costco deli food. I KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH ME? Ive decided to indulge myself. Im going to go there tomorrow after I go to the climbing gym. Ive convinced myself that its ok because I will work out right before eating and its a once a year thing. I believe that with both clothes and food its good to mix your everyday with pricey. Im anti just one or the other. I don't want to eat super expensive food all the time so I try to go to taco stands or salt lake owned deli's. Its also really fun to be able to walk or bike to the location. I think walking there always adds to the experience.

Later I will tell you about what food group philosophy I believe in.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ahh... My second post a couple months later. Nice. Whats even more nice, is I now have internet in my apartment. Unfortunately it works best in the kitchen. Which actually doesn't bother me too much for these reasons. First of all Im sure its a super cute image. Girl interneting from the kitchen counter on a little turquoise chair, ohhh....! Secondly its like a beautiful marriage of my two obsessions, food and fashion. Since all I really do online is look at clothes (Its sort of a problem, sort of. ish.) Clothing and fashion makes me all anxious, because I want it ALL! RIGHT NOW! Its really difficult to budget when everything is on sale for just one day. God, Ive got to calm down with the luxury clothing sale sites.

I recently got my third job. This job is at a local art center, I am the education assistant. I really like this job because its a place were I can dress up. My other jobs require me to do some physical labor or use messy materials, around messy kids. This job is perfect for finally wearing all my over the top clothing. The only downside about dressing up is that I walk to work. Resulting in me being the type of women who always carries and extra pair of shoes. The walk to work takes me through the most conservative side of the whole city. It the headquarters for the LDS church. Women who work for the church have a strict dress code of knee length skirts and tights/nylons all the time. When I walk past these people I feel very out of place. Today I wore a black shirt, black sweater with sequined shoulders, white shorts striped with bold blocks of gray, black, royal blue and mustard, Dark gray tights and lastly amazing gray suede ankles boots. OH! And I usually wear my hair in a braid on top of my head, all Frida Kahlo like. Yea, I was looking good. This outfit doesn't sound too "out there" but it was for these people! As I walked I sang

"One of these things are not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong."

Everyone tries really hard not to look at me. Like its even bad to look, but I see the corner of the eye glances.

When I started this blog I thought it would be dedicate to photos of my daily wardrobe. Then I realized something, one on one Im super friendly but online and in large groups Im not likable. The reason those other blogs work is because those ladies are really pretty, and although I am cute I just dont think it will convert to a successful "what I wore" blog. I will occasionally show you what I wore but I want this blog to be about what Im thinking, whats going on in my life, clothes, food, pets and toys.


p.s. The Eastern Europeans next door are fighting again.